Tag: Reverse DNS

4 Reverse DNS providers to check out4 Reverse DNS providers to check out

Reverse DNS is a must, especially if you want to run your own email server. Without it, there is a high chance that the emails going out of your email server will fall straight into the SPAM folder, where they will never be seen. So, having a reliable Reverse DNS provider is a must for many. Here we have 4 Reverse DNS providers to check out. All of them offer great services at a competitive price.


Testing Reverse DNS with Dig commandTesting Reverse DNS with Dig command

Testing if you have properly set a Reverse DNS zone and PTR records inside it is a straightforward task with the built-in tool Dig command. You can see if the IP address matches the domain name with a simple DNS lookup. So let’s get into it.

​What do we need?

  • Linux computer, or a Mac with Homebrew and Dig command installed.
  • The built-in tool that is called Dig command.
  • The IP address that you want to check.

​What is the Dig command?

The Dig command is a built-in command that you can find on any Linux distribution and serves for various DNS lookups, including a Reverse DNS lookup.

How does the Dig command work?


Getting familiar with rDNSGetting familiar with rDNS

What does rDNS mean?

Reverse DNS, or simply for short rDNS, is a service normally included in your managed DNS plan. With it, you are able to perform reverse DNS lookups. For that purpose, it allows you to make a Reverse DNS zone and add inside it multiple PTR records. They serve you to prove that the IP addresses are associated with the domain name.

Why is rDNS important?
